Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change
Essentials of motivation & behaviour change

Essentials of motivation & behaviour change

Jan Middelkamp
Member price: €44.96
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Exercise is medicine! But do people take the medicine? And for how long? Nowadays there is an unlimited amount of proof that physical activity and exercise are beneficial for health. Despite of this, an important question is if people take this medicine (regularly) enough to gain the multiple health-related benefits.
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Research shows that about 50% of all people stop a sports program within the first six months. For this reason, motivation and behavioural change are crucial topics. It is necessary to help people stick to a sports program (in any form). But it's not all about regular exercise.

Motivation and behavioural change are also important topics for a healthier diet and for learning a healthy lifestyle in general.

The book presents a wide variety of strategies and practical tools based on multiple theories and frameworks. Ten chapters cover exercise, nutrition and lifestyle topics, as well as special topics such as the role of technology in supporting motivation and behavioural change, and customer service & communication.

This book supports fitness, health and sports professionals to get more people moving more often.This book is intended for personal trainers, fitness instructors, group fitness instructors, physiotherapists, nutrition coaches, sports coaches and many more professionals who want to support their clients or members in behavioural change.

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